​+31 (0)50 56 90 490

Welcome to Wayland Management
Where Musical Dreams Come True!

Are you an ambitious band or artist looking for a management partner who can take your musical journey to unprecedented heights? At Wayland Management, we understand that every artist is unique and deserves a unique approach.

Our Intake Procedure:

1. First Introduction:
We start with an informal conversation in which we would like to hear everything about you, your music and your goals. It's an opportunity for you to get to know us and see if there is a connection.

2. In-depth Discussion:
After the first introduction, we dive deeper into your vision, music style and ambitions. We want to get a good idea of where you want to go and how we can help you get there.

3. Mutual Evaluation:
This is the moment when we check whether there is a solid match between you as an artist and us as a management team. We strive for a shared vision and passion for success.

4. Contract signing:
If both parties are convinced and want to give 100%, we draw up a contract that makes the collaboration official. This contract is a confirmation of our commitment to support your musical career.

No experience? No problem!

Whether you're an emerging band with no experience or a solo artist just starting out, at Wayland Management we believe in the potential of every artist. We look beyond experience and focus on your talent, drive and dedication. Our role is to guide, support and grow you, regardless of the starting point of your musical journey.

So, if you're ready to make your musical dreams come true and are looking for a management partner who really cares about you, we're ready to welcome you to Wayland Management. Let us conquer the world together with your music!

Contact us today to take the first step towards success!