​+31 (0)50 56 90 490

Our Services

Welcome to Wayland Management, where we do more than just the standard "sign record deals" and "arrange tour dates." We're like a musical Swiss Army Knife - versatile, handy, and sometimes unexpectedly inventive.

Band management? That is our specialty. We don't promise to turn your band into the next Beatles, but we will make sure you don't get lost in the musical wilderness. We're like the tour guide that says, "Beware of that one shady record company trying to lure you in with a ridiculously small font in your contract."

Coaching is also our thing. We can tell you how to hold the microphone without putting your hands in an uncomfortable cramp, and we also give private lessons on how to be the bandleader without the drummer throwing a stick at your head.

And if you're thinking, "I have the talent, but I don't know where to put my music!" No problem! Wayland Management has a special booking system. It's like a high-tech rollercoaster - we put your band on it and you're thrown wherever people like good music. No magic, just good connections.

But wait, there's more! Welcome to Wayland University, where we don't give away PhDs in music, but we have an e-learning platform that's as vibrant as a backstage party after a successful concert. We'll teach you everything from finding the right guitar amp to creating a killer Instagram post without accidentally tagging your drummer like a guinea pig.

So, if you think Wayland Management is just a standard musical management company, think again. We're the fridge full of musical possibilities - from storing your band's fresh ideas to creating tasty music tracks. At Wayland Management we go beyond the well-known notes, we compose a whole new musical adventure together!